Cleveland’s First Breast Milk Donation Location

Your milk is safe with us.


Make it.

If you are healthy mama with excess breast milk, please consider donating it to the OhioHealth Mothers’ Milk Bank. To participate you will need to contact the milk bank for a screening call to make sure that it is safe for you and your baby to donate milk.

Email or call (614) 566.0630 to arrange a screening phone interview.

Drop it off.

Once you are cleared for milk donation, bring your FROZEN milk to us! Just let us at Greater Cleveland Pediatrics know ahead of time that you are coming:


Text: (216) 238.0651

Drop off location: 3311 Richmond Road, Suite 150, Beachwood


We will make sure that your generous gift is packaged and properly sent to the OhioHealth Mothers’ Milk Bank. All of this will happen at no cost to you. Once received at the milk bank, it will be processed and then shipped to hospitals and used as a life-saving food for our most vulnerable of babies.


Breast milk can save lives.

The OhioHealth Mothers’ Milk Bank, under the guidelines of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA), provides pasteurized human milk to those infants whose mothers are unable to provide milk to nourish their babies. It is one of just 29 milk banks in North America — 26 in the United States and three in Canada. This amazing organization donated nearly 350,000 ounces of milk in 2020!! The majority of the milk donated is sent to hospitals to be used for premature babies in the NICU. Every ounce matters — Just one ounce can feed a premature baby for 3 days!! Greater Cleveland Pediatrics is honored to be Cleveland’s first and only milk donation location.